Post by DPost by DPost by Carlos E.R.Post by DGreat, thank you for the clarification Eduardo! =)
Another question... do you think it would be possible to script some
kind of "nntp sync" that delivers news messages into Maildir folders
and have alpine interact with those as news messages?
My idea here is that it would be great to be able to download the
news messages locally, interact with them locally, and then once
done, send them to the newsgroup.
Not with Alpine. If you are on Linux, use "leafnode" instead.
Telcontar:~ # rpm -q leafnode
Post by Carlos E.R.Note: it has filters and can do a kill file action.
Oh, that actually sounds _exactly_ like what I'm looking for, and I
could just point alpine to the local nntp, and use it as a local cache
(if it works like I think it does). Brillant! Thank you very much! =)
And to continue my adventures for the benefit of other seekers, today I
compiled leafnode, discovered that it needs tcpd which I installed. Then
got caught by xinetd which was required according to the documentation
and got stuck...(not supported on my linux any longer)
But! Lo and behold!
The openSUSE rpm supports systemd.
Telcontar:~ # rpm -ql leafnode
Telcontar:~ #
Post by Dand despite those not being mentioned in the INSTALL file, they looked
good enough! So after enabling those leafnode is up and running!
So far the speed of going through newsgroup on leafnode compared with my
regular news provider is an enormous improvement.
The only thing I have not yet figured out is how to get my news-server
view and my localhost server view to line up.
Post by DFor some reason, messages are not mirrored. I can press "&" and then
I'll get back all messages and my news-server messages are as they
should be, and in my local news server I have _all_ messages including
the latest ones, but when running fetchnews, for some reason, new
messages to not show up in server
Is the cron job running or systemd timer enabled?
It is not real time, the fetch job runs at intervals.
Post by DBut I'll keep on tinkering to see if I can get it to work.
Cheers, Carlos.