Adam H. Kerman
2024-02-22 09:25:05 UTC
I'm using the Prefer Plain Text and Do Not Send Flowed Text features.
The quoting level indicator string is ">" without interstitial whitespace.
Quote Replace String (quote string substitution for viewing, not
composing) has No Value Set.
One of my correspondents sends email as HTML with a plain text
alternative part attachment in flowed text.
If I read the plain text part, I don't see "> ", although I do see it if
I expose headers and look at the unrendered message. Why is it
overriding the unset Quote Replace String?
Weird things happen in reply to his messages.
Replying to the plain text part, the quote string for his text is "> ".
Why is it overriding my choice of quote string given the setting of
Do Not Send Flowed Text?
When he sends me a reply to my message, in the HTML part, he isn't using
a quote level indicator for my quoted text, which means my reply shows
his quote of my text and his reply text at the same quote level. Looking
at the HTML, he's using a blockquote tags to indicate text quoted from
my precursor message to his reply.
I manually fix the quote level in reply. I suppose there's nothing for
alpine to recognize here.
The quoting level indicator string is ">" without interstitial whitespace.
Quote Replace String (quote string substitution for viewing, not
composing) has No Value Set.
One of my correspondents sends email as HTML with a plain text
alternative part attachment in flowed text.
If I read the plain text part, I don't see "> ", although I do see it if
I expose headers and look at the unrendered message. Why is it
overriding the unset Quote Replace String?
Weird things happen in reply to his messages.
Replying to the plain text part, the quote string for his text is "> ".
Why is it overriding my choice of quote string given the setting of
Do Not Send Flowed Text?
When he sends me a reply to my message, in the HTML part, he isn't using
a quote level indicator for my quoted text, which means my reply shows
his quote of my text and his reply text at the same quote level. Looking
at the HTML, he's using a blockquote tags to indicate text quoted from
my precursor message to his reply.
I manually fix the quote level in reply. I suppose there's nothing for
alpine to recognize here.