Post by Jukka LahtinenPost by Eduardo ChappaPost by Jukka LahtinenPost by Eduardo ChappaWhat do you win: Your password file is secure. You need a password to
decrypt it, so if someone were to steal your password file, and
I a hacker could get the password file, that would mean they would
already somehow have gained access to my home directory in my home
computer, so the damage would already have been done.
It seems that you are equating hacking into your computer and hacking into
a remote server. Neither implies the other. The goal of hacking into your
computer is to find sensitive information, so the hacker can go elsewhere
No, I just disagree on the need of typing another password for the mail
client to access an individual file I consider already secured enough,
I think we will have to agree to disagree on this one. That you consider
it secure enough does not make it more secure. If you keep a file
that has been secured without a password, it will be a game of kids to
decrypt it. Your feeling of being secure is just that. It does not make it
a fact.
Post by Jukka Lahtinenso I would prefer having the master password prompt optional. I am not
confident enough to have that file the ONLY place where I store the
passwords anyway, especially when it is encrypted, it is just a
convenience thing.
That is something I don't get. The password file has some level of
encrytion. In the past it used to look something like several lines like
asdasd ert4673 4746yerhyetyry 1
asdasasa 363653t354ededhdfgdfhd s365asdd 0
or so. The code to decrypt this was in the same program, freely available.
No need for password to decode it. You are telling me that this works
better for you. That is fine. I accept it. It just seems you got your
priorities backward. I mean, if you are fine with the way of the past,
then your reasoning above is flawed, because the old style did not help
you with your priority today (all paswords in the same file) and you are
not arguing that the password file support was wrong in the past either...
Post by Jukka LahtinenPost by Eduardo ChappaPost by Jukka LahtinenBut I thought the whole purpose of the -passfile option was to avoid
the password prompt. As I said, I don't see much point in that if a
master password is prompted anyway.
That is certainly one of the purposes (not the only one) but in
To me it is.
As an implementor, your purpose is not the only purpose, nor the only
purpose that matters. As an implementor, I have to watch for your safety,
even when you do not want to.
Post by Jukka LahtinenPost by Eduardo Chappaworld it would be naive to believe that your convenience is more
important than your security. Nobody likes to be vaccinated, but that
does not make it less desirable. The benefits outweight the
Vaccination is a different thing, you don't have to repeat it every time
you go out.
I think most people would realize that the parallel was meant to
illustrate that convenience is not always the reason why we do something.
Not why we do something *every day*.
Maybe a better analogy will help you understand my point: If you think
mater passwords are a bad inconvenience, then maybe you should take it
even further and get rid of all the locks in the place you live, and
therefore all your keys. They are inconvenient because you have to get
your keys out every day to open the door to your house/apartment. No need
of a key for a car, it should start without one, right? I mean, what could
go wrong if you do that, right? (the last sentence was meant to be ironic
and rhetorical.)
There is a purpose on using master passwords, it is to keep you safe,
despite your best efforts to try to do it otherwise.
However, you should keep investigating how to get rid of the password for
the password file. It is just that I do not think I should volunteer that
information. It is no different than closing a door and not locking it. It
does not serve much purpose, and people should not do it, so I do not
publicize how to do this.
Post by Jukka LahtinenPost by Eduardo ChappaI am not trying to tell you I am right, or you are wrong. Just trying
to explain the rationale behind the decision. If you disagre with the
I am glad we agree on something :)
Eduardo (Web) (Git)