Post by J.O. AhoPost by NotRealPost by NotRealPost by J.O. Ahopruning-rule=no-no
I did go to the end and even used ctl-w to search. Unfortunately in
both cases I was looking for terms such as âmoveâ and âsaveâ. It
never occurred to me to look for âpruneâ.
In any case, I remmed out âpruned-folders=â and inserted
âpruning-rule=no-noâ in /etc/pine.conf. Based on starting pine in
accounts I had not looked at previously this morning, it appears to be
working. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction and taking
the time to present all the possible ways of solving my problem. It
is much appreciated.
I happened to read your post again and realized I probably did not have
to take out âpruned-folders=â, particularly when I found
"pruning-rule=" further down. Oh well, at least it works. Thanks
No, I don't think you needed to do anything with "pruned-folders", as
it's meant for adding additional folders to be pruned in the same manner
as sent every month.
Glad you got it working as you wanted.
If you have set this:
[X] Expose Hidden Config
then you can find this option:
Last Time Prune Questioned = 150.1
The help for this option says:
OPTION: Last-Time-Prune Question
This value records the last time you were asked about deleting old
sent-mail. It is set automatically by Alpine at the beginning of each month.
In the past, if you wished to suppress the monthly sent-mail pruning
feature, you could set this to a date in the future. This value is relative
to the year 1900, so to set this, for example, to October 2005, use 105.10.
You can still do that if you wish, or you can use the Pruning Rule option,
which is probably a little more convenient to use.
So I'm not due to be asked about pruning until January 2050.
I'm not sure if this setting applies to folders other than
the sent-mail folder, ie folders set by the "Pruned Folders"
configuration setting. I suspect it does, but experimentation may
be needed.
Dennis Davis <***>