Post by Rob PyottPost by William UnruhHi, I compiled Alpine 2.24 on my Linux machine. Working fine except -- Pilot is not installed apparently. There is no response to the command and Whereis does not return anything.
What Linx distro? It probably already includes the full package in its
Ideas? Thanks -- Rob
Pico is in /usr/bin, but not Pilot. I also don't see it in the folder where I compiled Alpine.
Yes I can add it with apt. But I do wonder what went wrong compiling.
I have no idea what "pilot" is, but I have a lot of them:
***@Telcontar:~> pilot-
pilot-addresses pilot-file pilot-getromtoken
pilot-install-netsync pilot-read-expenses pilot-read-veo
pilot-clip pilot-foto pilot-hinotes
pilot-install-todo pilot-read-ical pilot-reminders
pilot-csd pilot-foto-treo600 pilot-install-datebook
pilot-install-todos pilot-read-notepad pilot-schlep
pilot-debugsh pilot-foto-treo650 pilot-install-expenses
pilot-install-user pilot-read-palmpix pilot-wav
pilot-dedupe pilot-getram pilot-install-hinote
pilot-memos pilot-read-screenshot pilot-xfer
pilot-dlpsh pilot-getrom pilot-install-memo
pilot-nredir pilot-read-todos
***@Telcontar:~> pilot-
"Pilot", however, I have none.
Cheers, Carlos.