Chime Hart
2024-03-01 18:07:27 UTC
Hi All: I asked this in an Alpine-info list. Maybe more folks read over here? I
figured Alpine would be a simplest mail client for my Wife, who's also totally
blind. An issue we cannot seem to solve is setting up a windows11 browser for
her to click links contained in messages. Obviously, since I am in Linux, this
works well, but going to outlook, with a path such as
/mnt/c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/Microsoft/Edge/Application/msedge.exe
We tried quoting, escaping, changing backslashes to slashes, so-far it won't
work. I am even wondering if linking to an actual Linux browser such as Chrome
would be a better option? Thanks so much in advance for any guidance
figured Alpine would be a simplest mail client for my Wife, who's also totally
blind. An issue we cannot seem to solve is setting up a windows11 browser for
her to click links contained in messages. Obviously, since I am in Linux, this
works well, but going to outlook, with a path such as
/mnt/c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/Microsoft/Edge/Application/msedge.exe
We tried quoting, escaping, changing backslashes to slashes, so-far it won't
work. I am even wondering if linking to an actual Linux browser such as Chrome
would be a better option? Thanks so much in advance for any guidance