Post by Pascal WThanks! From reading the documentation of DavMail my understanding is
that Alpine will still be required to be approved by Azure AD
administrators. At my company they have flipped the switch from default
setting and do not allow developer self-service consent for apps.
DavMail will not solve that problem for me.
Dear Pascal,
depending on the type of security that is needed in your workplace, your
administrators should consider allowing apps that are known to work and
are trusted by the community. Both Alpine and Davmail are known and
trusted by the community, and the proof of that is that a quick search in
the internet will show you many universities that tell users how to
configure each of these programs to access their services. In addition
these products are distributed by Linux distributors (e.g.: Debian,
Fedora, Suse, Ubuntu, etc.) which adds to that these programs have been
reviewed and tried by the community, and security issues found in them
would be highly publicized.
The fact is that users can trust these products.
However, in addition to these observations that you should pass along to
your administrators, there is the issue of what Microsoft tells to the
administrators. In essence when you read Microsoft documentation and when
you talk to administratror the sense is that only Microsoft products are
trustowrthy (because they were purchased from a legitimate company) and
products not offered by Microsoft might not be trustworthy or might not
offer the same quality of service that their products offer, etc. In
essence, administrators are afraid to allow a third party product because
it is unsafe and/or inferior to a Microsoft product, for which a fee to
use was already paid to Microsoft.
In this way Microsoft can sustain its dominance over other products.
Products such as those coming from Google or Apple do not suffer these
issues because there is too much pressure to allow them and are considered
safe by the community. In your case, there is no much pressure to allow
Alpine because the user base is small, albeit it is considered safe by its
The story of the man with the bag that will kidnap kids was meant to
scare kids to not to trust strangers based on their looks. This is
similar, and many admnistrators prefer to forbid Alpine and not accept the
evidence that Alpine is safe and trusted by its community of users.
There are merits to the way your system is being protected. No
everything is wrong, but allowing access to Microsoft products by default,
while leaving all other products out and only authorize them on a case by
case basis makes one company to take control of its users, and that is not
good for users at the end of the day. The idea of securing systems is
important, and you have to make the case the Alpine will not make their
systems less secure.
Are there any programs that you your administrator have granted access
to acceess their servers?
Eduardo (web) (Git)